martes, 26 de febrero de 2013

CFP: 16 Culture and Power Conference

The 16th International Culture and Power Conference ‘Spaces’ will be
held on October 2, 3, and 4, 2013, and hosted by IBACS (the Iberian
Association for Cultural Studies) and the English Department at the
University of Murcia, Spain.

The Conference’s special topic will be SPACE.

The 16th Culture and Power conference seeks to respond to the growing
importance of space, spatial analysis, and localization in cultural
studies. While locating cultural practice in concrete geographical and
social coordinates has been a constant in the field, the last two
decades have witnessed an extraordinary expansion in the ways space
has been explored and made to signify in relation to such different
social categories as: gender and sexuality; race and ethnicity;
region, nation, and globalisation; the real and the virtual. Likewise,
location and ground have become central to such temporal categories as
public and private memory; history; deep and slow time; cultural and
media archaeologies; storytelling.

We are currently inviting 20-minute papers that will deal with the
theory and representation of space in any of its manifestations, or
that, in the process of studying particular texts or media, will take
into account space in a significant manner. We are especially
interested in proposals addressing—but not limited to—any of the
following themes:

- (Post)modern configurations of space
- Urban and post-urban spatialities
- Spaces of control, discipline and surveillance
- Spaces of dissidence and transgression
- Border spaces
- Transnational spaces
- Locations of intimacy
- Sexuality and space
- Queering space
- Rethinking the rural
- Spaces of (de)(neo)colonialization and Empire
- Grounding memory and history
- Spaces of fiction and fictional space
- Media(ted) spaces: the specific spatialities of cinema, video,
radio, television
- Outer and Inner space
- Acoustic space
- Interactive space
- Gaming, virtual locations, and the making and unmaking of identity
- (De)territorialization
- Spacial materialisms

The following keynote speakers have confirmed their participation:

Professor George McKay, Director, Communication, Cultural & Media
Studies (CCM) Research Centre at the University of Salford.
Professor John Storey, Director of the Centre for Research in Media
and Cultural Studies, University of Sunderland.
Professor Jane Rendell, Vice Dean of Research for the Bartlett Faculty
of the Built Environment, The Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL
Professor Chris Weedon, Chair of the Centre for Critical and Cultural
Theory, Director of Postgraduate Studies and Head of the Centre for
Critical and Cultural Theory, Cardiff University.

Papers should be presented in English. A selection of conference
papers will be considered for publication after the conference.

Proposals of 400 words should be submitted by 8th of April, 2013 and
should be submitted electronically through the IBACS web site

Notification of acceptance will be by the 8th of May.

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