martes, 25 de enero de 2011

Call for papers: 32 Conferencia de la ACIS

Nos ha llegado vía email el siguiente call for papers con la convocatoria de la proxima conferencia de la Association for Contemporary Iberian Studies. Uno de los miembros de Mnemos tuvo el placer de participar en la última edición, celebrada en septiembre de 2010 en la Universidad de Roehampton (Londres) y resultó ser una experiencia increíble:

The Association will hold its 32nd Conference organised jointly by the University of the West of Scotland and the University of Glasgow, for 1 - 3 September 2011. The conference will take place at Wolfson Hall, University of Glasgow. You are cordially invited to offer a paper, panel, or workshop presentation. Panels of four papers maximum are also sought on specific themes in addition to individual presentations. The panel should be organised by one convenor who will be responsible for inviting the speakers and chairing the session. You are also invited to suggest any speakers who you think would be willing to offer a paper, bearing in mind, however, that ACIS does not normally offer a fee or expenses for speakers. The choice of all panels and papers will be made by the Conference programme organiser in consultation with the Executive Committee.

Below are the suggested thematic areas for papers and panels, which must relate primarily to Spain and Portugal. The themes are not exclusive and may be interdisciplinary in nature.

Politics, Government, International Relations, the EU, Nationalism, Regionalisms

Economics, Business, Labour, Social and Welfare issues, Education

Film, Television, Journalism, Media, Advertising, Leisure, Tourism, Sport

Twentieth-Century History

Cultural Studies, Identities, Gender

Language, Linguistics, Language Policy and Pedagogy

Other suggestions are welcome, and Panels can be more specific within these broad areas. Papers will be allocated a maximum of 30 minutes on the programme, in order to leave time for discussion and debate. If you wish to offer a paper, please refer to the Guidelines for Papers (on the next page). For papers, please send, preferably by e-mail, a title and abstract (approx. 150 words) by 14 April 2011 and for Panels by 21 April 2011 to:

Dr Margaret Anne Clarke

School of Languages and Area Studies

Park Building

King Henry I Street



Tel. +44 (0)23 92846156

Informal enquiries concerning papers and topics are welcome before the deadlines. Please note that a year’s membership will be included in the conference fee. Details concerning conference registration will be made available in due course on the ACIS website Please visit this site for further information about the Association.

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