The deadline for submissions has been extended:
7th NECS Graduate Workshop
What is Meant by What is Meant? Negotiating the Conventions of the Moving Image
18-19 June 2013, Prague.
Call for Papers
Notions of what is conventional, in and of the moving image, is more than ever contested. Ways of representation, depiction, simulation and remediation disrupt and contest what are regarded as historically acceptable or hegemonic modes of moving image production. Against a background of increasing democratisation in the ways moving images are produced, disseminated, shared and used, notions of non-professionalism (and even anti-professionalism) challenge and undermine concepts of expertism and what it means to be conventionally competent in contemporary media culture. A host of possibilities, conventional or otherwise, now exist for the production and consumption of imagery that incorporates movement, duration and time in its construction. It is often assumed that arriving at the meaning within a film is like solving a puzzle with a singular and pre-decided solution. Is this so, or do certain conditions of our experience of various kinds of moving images infer multifarious or indeterminate meanings? Is what we mean by the meaning of a moving image independent from our understanding of it, and who encourages us in these processes of sense-making?
We invite papers and presentations that address the Workshop theme from many directions including, but not limited to, the following interpretative frameworks: