viernes, 25 de octubre de 2013

Nueva página web

Queridos lectores y lectoras,

Hemos dado un paso adelante para esta segunda temporada de Mnemos (como colectivo y programa de radio) y hemos estrenado página web.

De ahora en adelante podréis seguir toda nuestra actividad por aquí:

¡Nos leemos o nos oímos!
Un abrazo

martes, 23 de julio de 2013

Mnemos en Radio Guerrilla

Durante la celebración de la Primera Quincena de la Comunicación Social, Josemi, uno de los miembros de Mnemos, tuvo el placer de participar como invitado dentro de la programación de RADIO GUERRILLA, una interesantísima propuesta llevada a cabo por gente de Radio Ágora Sol en Medialab Prado durante toda una semana. En concreto estuvo charlando con la gente del programa Barrio Canino, que realizó un monográfico especial sobre la historia de las radios libres.

Agradeciéndoles de todo corazón su invitación y el genial rato que nos hicieron pasar, aquí os dejamos el enlace para escuchar tan maravillosa charla.

Un saludo amigos!

miércoles, 3 de julio de 2013


Lo primero de todo queremos disculparnos de todo corazón por el descontrol que hemos tenido con el tema de nuestras diversas plataformas virtuales.
Tanto este blog como los podcasts han estado sin actualizar casi dos meses. Lo sentimos. Por diversas historias hemos estado más liados de lo que hubieramos querido y no hemos tenido tiempo para poner todo esto al día y prestaros la atención que os mereceis. Prometemos ponernos al día para cuando estrenemos la nueva web de Mnemos!!! Pronto!!! Muy pronto!!

Mientras tanto os emplazamos a escucharnos una vez más (el programa es lo que no hemos dejado de hacer en dos meses, aunque no hayamos subido los podcasts) en o a través del 106.7 de la fm esta noche a partir de las 23:00.

Estaremos charlando con los amigos de la revista Contrahistoria que nos presentarán su nuevo número!!!


Nos oímos esta noche!

jueves, 18 de abril de 2013

Mnemos 03/04/2013 - Bla,bla,bla,bla Museos

Aquí os dejamos la penúltima emisión de Mnemos en la sintonía de Radio Almenara!!

martes, 16 de abril de 2013

Call for chapters for an anthology on Afrofuturism 2.0

Call for chapters for an anthology on Afrofuturism 2.0

Afrofuturism, is a transnational, diasporic, and cultural aesthetic that interrogates the past, present and future in literature, technology, art, or music, and challenges Eurocentric motifs of identity, time and space.  While this approach has grown in the past decade, there has been limited engagement with Afrofuturism’s relationship to the discipline of Africana studies, or Africology.

We are soliciting scholarly research, theoretical essays, and applied studies that explore how the concept of Afrofuturism is related to Africana Studies for an anthology. 

viernes, 12 de abril de 2013

7th NECS Graduate Workshop

The deadline for submissions has been extended:

7th NECS Graduate Workshop
What is Meant by What is Meant? Negotiating the Conventions of the Moving Image
18-19 June 2013, Prague.

Call for Papers
Notions of what is conventional, in and of the moving image, is more than ever contested. Ways of representation, depiction, simulation and remediation disrupt and contest what are regarded as historically acceptable or hegemonic modes of moving image production. Against a background of increasing democratisation in the ways moving images are produced, disseminated, shared and used, notions of non-professionalism (and even anti-professionalism) challenge and undermine concepts of expertism and what it means to be conventionally competent in contemporary media culture. A host of possibilities, conventional or otherwise, now exist for the production and consumption of imagery that incorporates movement, duration and time in its construction. It is often assumed that arriving at the meaning within a film is like solving a puzzle with a singular and pre-decided solution. Is this so, or do certain conditions of our experience of various kinds of moving images infer multifarious or indeterminate meanings? Is what we mean by the meaning of a moving image independent from our understanding of it, and who encourages us in these processes of sense-making?
We invite papers and presentations that address the Workshop theme from many directions including, but not limited to, the following interpretative frameworks:

ACSIS: On the Move: extended deadline 19 April

On the Move: ACSIS Cultural Studies Conference 2013
Norrköping, Sweden 11-13 June 2013
The general call for papers and sessions for the conference On the Move closed April 1st. However, we are searching for additional papers on the following themes to complement accepted papers:
       regulation of mobilities, forced  migration, dislocation and displacement
the transformation of everyday lifes by migration, intensive travel, transport and tourism
the micro scale of bodily mobilities in everyday life, sports and dance
visual culture and mobility
unsettled norms in and for cultural production, music, literature and the arts

Furthermore, the following three sessions are accepting additional proposals:
Publicistiska rörelser
Please submit abstracts for individual papers (250 words or less) addressing these themes by e-mail to, by 19 April 2013. There are no fees for participating in the conference. Please note, however, ACSIS is unable to defray travel or other expenses.
 For more information on the conference, please visit (Swedish) or (English)

The Advanced Cultural Studies Institute of Sweden is a national centre for interdisciplinary cultural studies dedicated to strengthening the cultural studies field of research by building bridges between academic institutions, subjects and perspectives.  ACSIS is a coordinating and galvanising resource for Swedish cultural studies scholars.